dimanche 30 décembre 2012

I'm back after two days' absence I was "overbooked", I have not stopped to frolic. Yesterday I visited the autralian museum in Sydney
Australian Museum
I was very interested in the historical part of the museum in particular explanations of the Australian Aborigines We were talking about the aboriginal art.They showed us the fresco.

Then they told us the myths and I was surprised their ways of living very different from ours with fishing ect .. It show us the tools :
Aboriginal People of Coastal Sydney

It demonstrates how Australia's Indigenous cultures have survived for so long despite the impact of more than two hundred years of European colonisation.
After hearing the story of Aboriginal it is impossible not to find it revolting how colonizers have addressed. Separate families, children abused innocents .. it's horrible.
We have them the right to see a video of an Aboriginal child who testify his experience to me was that shiver.
Child of the "Stolen Generation", the woman tells her injuries and intimate work to inform the world, the cruel fate of Aboriginal people.

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